In 1881 the author expanded and published this book, in part to meet public and scientific scrutiny. Rowbotham was already an inventor and author, and over time theories of Zetetic Astronomy - in which the Earth is flat - became popular. This book began as a pamphlet in the 1840s, explaining the theory with a few sketches alongside. This premium edition contains all of Rowbotham's original graphs, charts and drawings. Samuel Birley Rowbotham advances the Flat Earth theory, which holds that Earth is not in fact an oblate spheroid planet, but an enclosed plane above which the astronomical bodies are situated. General Summary-Application-Cui Bono"Parallax" And His Teachings. Examination of the So-Called "Proofs" Of the Earth's Rotundity.-Why a Ship's Hull Disappears Before the Mast-HeadXV. The Earth's True Position in the Universe Comparatively Recent Formation Present Chemical Condition And Approaching Destruction by FireXIV. Cause of Sun Appearing Larger When Rising and Setting Than at NoondayXI. Cause of Day and Night, Winter and Summer And the Long altErnations of Light and Darkness at The Northern CentreIX. The Sun's Path Expands and Contracts Daily for Six Months AlternatelyVIII. The Sun's Motion, Concentric With the Polar CentreVII. The True Form and Magnitude of the EarthV. Experiments Demonstrating the True Form of Standing Water, and Proving the Earth to Be a PlaneIII.

Zetetic and Theoretic Defined and ComparedII. Various chapters concern motion of the heavenly bodies, sunrises, sunsets, the tidal movements, and distances of the Sun and Moon from Earth.This classic includes the following chapters: I.

Most of these are framed with illustrations and diagrams, that the reader understands Rowbotham's notions. Experiments and demonstrations are conducted in support of the Earth being flat, with the astronomical bodies situated above, rather than around it.

This classic includes the following chapters: I.